As a regular listener of the podcast, I had the momentary mental equivalent of “jumping for joy” when you were introduced on the episode

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Bateman

Wow! So richly worded! I want to commit your opening paragraphs to memory! The necessity to recognize fallacies and to clearly communicate the logic and reasoning of the gospel in a winsome manner has never been more urgent. Thank you once again, for saying what needs to be said.

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Bateman

“Given the clarity, priority and urgency of the Bible’s message of reconciliation between God and man, the only reasonable response to that message is a deeply personal and heart-felt sorrow over sin, fear of God’s judgment, humility before God’s glory, comfort in God’s love, joy in God’s forgiveness, and hope in the cross where Jesus died for sinners.”

….🙌🏻 amen!

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